Legal Notice

Website operator and responsible party with respect to § 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG):


Attorney at Law


Vera Zambrano (née Vera Mueller)
Kurfürstendamm 234
10719 Berlin, GERMANY

(+1) 305 328-9556
+49 30 3036 60260
Fax: 030 3036 60259

Vera Zambrano (née Vera Mueller)  is a licensed and registered attorney in the Federal Republic of Germany and a member of the Berlin Bar Association.


​Berlin Bar Association (RAK Berlin)
Littenstraße 9
10179 Berlin


Phone: (030) 28040776
Fax: (030) 28094345


​Tax identification number: 13 / 091 / 05637
Tax Office Berlin-Charlottenburg

The professional duties of attorneys are subject to the following regulations:


  • Federal Lawyers’ Act (BRAO),
  • Professional Code of Conduct for Attorneys (BORA),
  • German Attorney Compensation Legislation (RVG),
  • Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe (CCBE),
  • Specialist Lawyers Act (FAO),
  • Law governing the costs in matters of voluntary jurisdiction (KostO).

All laws can be viewed online here:


Attorney Vera Zambrano (née Vera Mueller) is covered by professional indemnity insurance taken out with
R+V AllgemeineVersicherungs-AG,
Taunusstr. 1,
65193 Wiesbaden.

The scope of the insurance coverage covers all member states of the European Union.

WordPress, Web Design and Search Engine Optimization

Web Design and Online Marketing Agency hatzak

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Legal Disclaimer


Liability for Content

In accordance with § 7, Para. 1 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG), as a service provider, we are responsible under general law for our own contents on this website. Nevertheless, according to §§ 8 to 10 TMG, we, as service providers, are not obliged to monitor any external information obtained by third parties or to look into external information that may suggest illegal or illicit activity. The obligationto remove or block the use of information in accordance with legal regulations remains in this case unaffected. Any liability in this respect, however, only incurs from the moment that knowledge of the specific breach of law is obtained. In the event that the corresponding violations become known, this content will be immediately removed.


Liability for Links

Our website features links to external webpages of third parties, over whose content we have no influence. Therefore, we cannot take over any liabilities for those external contents. The respective supplier or operator of the websites is always responsible for the contents of the linked pages. The webpages linked here were examined for any possible legal infringements that were obvious at the date the links were placed. No illegal contents were recognizable. A permanent monitoring of the contents of the linked websites shall not be considered reasonable without a concrete indication for a violation of the law. Should any infringements become known we will immediately remove the links.



The contents and works found on this website, prepared by the website operator, are subject to German copyright law. The duplication, editing, distribution or any kind of exploitation outside the limits of copyright require the written consent of the author or creator. Downloads and copies of this site are allowed only for private and non-commercial use.  Insofar as the contents on this website were not created by the operator, all copyrights of third parties are to be respected. Should you nevertheless become aware of a copyright infringement, we kindly request you to inform us. Should any infringements become known we will immediately remove the content in question.

Source: eRecht24


Dispute Settlement

The European Union provides a platform for the online settlement of disputes:

You can find our email address above in this legal notice. We are neither prepared nor obligated to participate in settlement procedures before a consumer arbitration office.

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